Thursday, August 15, 2002

So I'm kinda low-key today: I've got a big interview tomorrow morning, I'm down to the last three, and I've spend forty-eight hours immersing myself in financial gobbledegook in order to speak knowledgably about the sector at 10am tomorrow. Talk to me after about 3pm, I won't remember a word about it.

So if you believe in magick or karma, or vibes or whatever - I once had a friend who insisted I should mentally "cover him in white light" whenever he had a big thing coming up that he wanted luck for - then send them my way. I just looked in my bank account, and I really need a job. Even if it does mean I have to wear a suit everyday.

So leave me comments. It'll make me feel loved and adored, which can only improve my interview performance, methinks.

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