Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Couple of weeks ago, I was working in a proto-hip agency in Batter-Sea-Uh. Yeah. When you're freelance (as in go to someone's office for a couple of days, one-off), no-one's really interested in you as a person, they just want whatever it is you deliver. But work is better if you have good human relations, so I try and talk to people by the water cooler/coffee machine.

In this place, there was a woman with amazing curly hair. I was having a no-hair-products day (which is also known as death-defyingly frizzy) - I figured what the hell? I don't know anyone. So we got chatting in the kitchen, and she told me about Boots own-brand firm-hold mousse (purple can) for £1.50. Now, unbelievably, I've been paying £13.50 for a Paul Mitchell mousse, which is OK, but, y'know. Anyway, I just followed all her instructions, which were copious, and my hair looks great.

And this whole theory is proved by a story in last night's Evening Standard which had pictures of two women in their forties - one way wrinklier than the other - and you had to guess who spent £4,200 a year on skincare products, and who spent £45. Guess.

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