Friday, October 11, 2002

Rant Warning: Level Three
It's not often I get angry, but when I do, I really, really do.

So what the hell is Nick Denton on about? So Michael Chabon's writing a fictional work about an alternative Jewish homeland in Alaska. Fictional. Note that. Fiction is a perfect place to explore alternative realities, but Management Today is not a place to discuss Middle East politics. Where does Nick Denton get off telling the world his personal views about the Jewish conspiracy and that "Jews can rise to any position in business, media and politics" in the US - his suggestion for an alternative Jewish homeland location.

I'm not a regular Management Today reader, but I am an ocassional surfer, and once worked with their former editor. Not that that makes any difference. I'm interested in views on everything ranging from strategic visioning to next generation commercial blurb. Anything, in fact, that's relevant to management. HR, marketing, technology development, financial planning - it's a broad church. Politics is not in the plan.

There's a universe of difference from stating "ethnic sympathy... contributes to US policy. What's the big deal?" and asking whether "Israel -- the location for the Jewish homeland, rather than the underlying notion -- was a terrible mistake?" You're worried that people might think you're an anti-semite? I can see why Nick.

Israel isn't perfect - but then no one is - but it is the only country that I am aware of that has to make a case for her very existence on an almost daily basis right now. And what the fuck it's got to do with management, I've no idea. Clear thinking? I think not.

Rant over. As you were.

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