Wednesday, January 16, 2002

well, i decided to blog at 2.45 (1445 to you post-imperialists) and now it's 2.53 and I'm posting. the wonder of the internet. or the ease of the telecommunications age. or something.

so what's this for? a space for me to witter? to share on a "better out than in" basis? (tho I'm never that sure about therapy culture, but I'm sure i'll talk more about that later). you can over-share, right? busy hunter-gatherers never went to AA or had twice weekly freudian therapy. god I am wittering.

what am i going to do here? good question. these are the things on my mind (in no specific, tho probably inherently meaningful, order):


that's me. my first blog. welcome. sit down, get coffee - or maybe herbal tea, everthing is carcinogenic nowadays - or maybe just a short drink, as i haven't said much.

OK, OK it's 3.04.. it's gonna take me a while to get into this.

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