Friday, April 19, 2002

JOB INTERVIEW UPDATE: It's like one of those old gags; you want the good news or the bad news? The bad news is that I didn't get the job (but luckily bought myself the treat-hat anyhow). The good news is that they asked me to interview for a more senior job, so.... here's hoping. Oh, and it's in Boston. Cool, you're thinking. But I know that my Mum and Dad weren't happy when I left their five-digit postcode area Oop North ten years ago, and didn't like me working in Asia in 92/3, so they won't like this. So I've decided not to tell them unless I get the job. Luckily they're not, er, wired. So, sssssshhh, it's a secret. Don't tell.

In other news; my boiler is, miraculously, fixed. You never really value heat and hot water until they are randomly taken away from you. I do now.

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