Friday, May 10, 2002

In more mundane news, I went to Tesco's 1130ish last night (I'd been out, honest), and fell into an easy conversation with two guys by the checkout. We talked about football (they had Manchester accents) and other stuff.
They were buying like 200 Tesco Value glasses. I asked them if they were having a party. They replied "how much do you think it costs to hire a glass?" I reckoned 20p. I was right. They said you could buy them for 20p. I said, sure, but you have to get an extension on your house to keep them in. That's what's good about hiring them; you use them, then they go away and you never have to see them again. I guess we had a difference of opinion when it comes to consumerism and party products.

They did look strangely familiar, in the way that people in North London often do, and then one of them said to me "ever hurt your back?" And I realised he was my osteopath five years ago. The guy on the checkout was convinced it was some kind of chat up line. Yeah, that would really work.

And I watched a hot-off-the-press chat-up line in action; a skinny tightly be-jeaned girlie, goes up to a guy and says "do you work here?". He sneers, and says no. She walks off, ensuring that he gets a fabulous view of her behind. He runs after her....

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