Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Weird dream last night.. I'm doing my Retailing A-level (it's a dream, right), and I'm in a class of about fiteen people, including people I really grew up with (Gill C and her brother), a friend of my Mother's, Eve, and a bunch of people I've never met before, inlcuding some supposed former work colleagues from when I worked on Vogue (which I never have). We are sitting round a large table, reminiscent of nursery school, and the teacher instructs us that our course work is to go down to Sainsbury's, and analyse everything ranging from the bus-route conectivty to the shop layout. We go to Sainsbury's on the Finchley Road - something of a mixed mottley crew - and Eve is totally lost (but then she did IRL leave school around fifty years ago) and wanders around like a bag lady. Gill and her brother show me where the buses stop, and we notice all kinds of things about traffic routes and patterns, and we giggle that Eve doesn't know anything. We go back to the classroom, and the teacher stands over us like we're five whilst we write it up. We are even given headings to write under - so they're all going to be pretty much the same - and the teacher humiliates Eve. A woman I don't really know, but purports to be a close friend from Vogue - she's all blonde bob and twinset and pearls - gets very tearful, and confides in me that her Mother just died. She used to run a team at Vogue and is fairly officious. I am very worried that I will fail Retailing A-level and never make it as a Retail Therapist. I wake up.

I know, don't ask. Like, what is this about?

Separate thought; before I blogged, I could never remember my dreams. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing.

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