Monday, July 08, 2002

Dry Run. In Rough or In Neat?

Rough books. Now there's a stupid idea. It will probably come as no surprise to you to learn that I went to a private girl's school. Which I won't name.

The whole time I was at school, I never got the rough book idea. I was supposed to write everything out in rough, and then later in neat? Doesn't that take twice as long?

And real life's not like that. First of all, I'm pretty sure the advent of the computer age - look at me, so wired - must surely mean this is a late seventies/early eighties concept that has truly run its course. I hope so.

Because what counts in real life is the abiity to get by, respond on the hoof, think on your feet, get it of your chest. OK, wrong cliche-school. But I've never yet had a job where my boss asked to look at my rough book or to see my "workings out". It's results that count.

No idea why this came into my mind. Weird place, my mind.

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