Wednesday, July 03, 2002

I didn't even know there was Judaikitsch.

Check the review:

Pop-culture meets how-to in over 50 projects and recipes that run the gamut from a Neil Tzedakah Box and a Hebrew School Handbag.

There's some stuff in the world I can live without. And one of them is the "x meets y" formula: I'm Bridget Jones meets Woody Allen. He's Bob Monkouse meets Graham Norton.

And anyway, I have real Judaikitsch; I know far too many mother-types of the St John's Wood Ladies Who Lunch Brigade, who have a bizarre variant of the Sparkly Clothes Gene combined with the Over-Accessorise Gene. Frankly, they should issue you with sunglasses when you meet them otherwise you might get blinded by the un-science. That's what I call kitsch.

[via methylsalicylate]

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