Friday, September 20, 2002

Bus Shelter Crapness
So I talked to my friendly barrister, who said that I had to show some kind of diminution to have any reasonable sway in arguing the point with the council planning officer. My concerns are (a) safety and hassle and (b) I can't help feeling, should I ever move, that it has a negative effect on value.

I called my local estate agent, had a chat, and asked her the current value of my flat (she's seen it a couple of times, as I think I'm going to move every couple of years and then can't bear to leave zone two).

"And," I ask her, "say there was a bus shelter outside the house?"

"That would be very convenient," she replies.

"Would it have any effect on the value?"

"What, like increasing it because you're well connected to local travel routes?"

So it's like, a good thing. Though I suspect that estate agents are hard-wired to put a good spin on everything. I still don't like not being consulted, and would have prefered a stop to a shelter, but over the last 36 hours, I have grown to love my bus shelter, in some way.

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