Tuesday, October 01, 2002

I'm back in a not-back kinda way. Having a series of bad days joined together into a bad week. Interspersed with enjoyable things of course. Curry. Road to Perdition. The Invisibles. Simchat Torah. Good friends. Jon Ronson - Them.

So I thought maybe I'd take a little break from the weblog. Maybe for a week or so, don't know. Didn't mean to be quite so enigmantic, it's hardly my style. My style is in-yer-face irreverent sassiness with some straight-talking blah blah blah I'm not in PR. I don't have to do this. I look at my stats, and I see that some people come back... but I never know who they are. It's starting to feel impersonal in a personal sort of way.

A little self-indulgent, I guess - but then the very nature of blogdom is self-indulgent - but connected to all this, I've been having a can't-write, not-interesting, no-one-reads-me vibe. So feel free to say nothing, but if you'd like to say something, could it please be encouraging, positive, and - ideally - slightly humorous?


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