Monday, November 04, 2002

Have I Got Tickets For You
I don't think Angus Deayton is any kind of virtuous paragon, but I really don't want to see Anne Robinson treat everyone like shit. Apparently 6.6 million people tunedin on Friday, for Paul Merton's stand-in show, highest ever and all that.

I don't really understand. During Angus' first set of "misdemeanours" in the summer, it was all a bit of a laugh, no crime implied, but now suddenly Hat Trick are moral arbiters who say and nay-say what's allowed. He's probably not doing anything different than most men in the country, just that he happens to have enough of a degree of celebrity for it to make the papers. When a bloke from my parents' community set up another household, with another wife and children, it wasn't exactly all over the front of the Sun. See.

The question is, does fame mean you have to be more virtuous? There may be an argument that you're an example to the kids and all that, but so was John Major. There are no virtuous people left, that's the truth. Just people who haven't been found out yet.

Side-issue: I have four tickets to see HIGNFY recorded (as it's abbreviated to - pronounced higg-nuf-fie - I once read a whole interview with Paul Merton without realising that HIGNFY stood for something) on Thursday 19 December. I'll probably use two of them... I'm considering throwing the other two open to whoever x2 writes what I deem to be the most entertaining comment here.

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