Wednesday, November 06, 2002

It's Off To Work We Go
First, you've got to understand that I've had a lot of experience in the conference business. It's one of the few things where I really understand everything about how it works. Last week, I was in a meeting where a guy said, "the first most important thing is the database. And the second most important thing is the database." Which is kinda true, except that it's also a people business: I'd say 50/50 people and database: no database, no marketing. No people, no ideas.

Today, I was in a meeting where the guy said, "the most important thing is the people.". I said "what about about the database?" He said, "I'm happy to go into markets where we have no market-share, presence or product knowledge."

I can't help wondering if everyone else is marching out of step (as my brother is so fond of telling me), or whether it's a guy thing.

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