Monday, February 03, 2003

Someone Else's Bus Story...
Yesterday went to S (my regular theatre companion)'s birthday tea, and ran into M. This morning, he emailed me this:


Here's an interesting little tale which might fill an inspiration-lapse (not that you often, if ever, get them!) on the blog:

Inspired by you (yes, "inspiraton" in two consecutive sentences) I took the C11 home from S's party. (You see I even take my bus recommendations from you (but too many brackets now).)

When I said I was going to Archway the driver asked me if I could direct him there. He said he OK as far as the Royal Free, but not after that as he'd never done that route before. This meant we had complimentary knowledge banks, as I said I could do the bit from South End Green home. I did admit that, while I could pretty much guarantee eventual arrival at Archway, I couldn't be sure of getting the correct actual route, being a C11 virgin. Any port in a storm, I suppose, and I was his best option. I said the driver would have to pay me 70p, and we compromised on a free ride.

OK as far as as Gospel Oak -- I remembered seeing the C11 there on the way out, and there was only one sensible way to get there from South End Green. But from Parliament Hill I was a bit stuck and I told him this. While I myself didn't really mind how I got to Archway, we both realised that other passengers might object if we bypassed their destinations. That could also mean our new-found partnership being rumbled by the others, so the driver told me to go and ask some other people.

Luckily there was a helpful, attractive girl sitting just by the door who told me she used that route all the time, so she gave me the instructions (initially with some disbelief), and I passed them on and we completed the journey successfully.

I have to say that while I have occasionally (actually only once) been on a bus which has taken a wrong turn, this was a new experience. Has anyone else ever had to do that?

See, I don't even have to write my blog any more. My mates just email me stuff to publish, that thematically fits my ouevre.

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