Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Bus Karma
So Monday, I met with Head of Bus Strategy, London (northbound routes). OK, I made that bit up. A nice bloke and his sidekick who sincerely discussed the proximity of bus stops on the southbound number 16 bus route, and agreed about the traffic-obscuring dangerous nature of my (current) bus shelter. Did you know it costs £6,000 to put in a bus shelter? They're terribly busy, so they'll get back to me in mid-April (hopefully 2003, unlike the NHS) with the results of their strategy review.

My friend H is a management consultant in a niche firm that's falling apart, although forunately she has lots of alternative offers on the table. Her out-of-town boss called her last night and said - in response to her hard-nosed questions about what they'd offer her to stay -
"it's not about strategy. It's about getting the right people on the bus, and seeing where the bus goes." Quite. What goes around comes around, as they say in the bus-strategy world.

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