Sunday, March 23, 2003

Saw this tonight at the mostly-plastic O2 centre, after a butterscotch malt shake at Ed's Easy Diner. (We felt so 1953, although it's not been the same since I found out where they get their furniture from).

Equilibrium is a scream: it's 1984 meets The Matrix, it's Prozac Nation meets the Muji catalogue, it's "Bond, James Bond" meets every recent Madonna video. It's cliche-ridden in an oh-so-clever refferential wank fest; you can hardly watch the action for spotting the action-movie reference. The audience to a man - and yes, they were mostly men - loved it: spontaneous clapping at the end of two outrageously unlikely one-to-many fight scenes. The hipper-than-thou crowd (pretty much all wearing their gatkes (trousers) round their pupik (belly button - although hips, in this case), were post-hip to a DJ, you just knew they all had at least one X-box apiece) lapped it up. The goodies turn into the baddies and back again, but thankfully in the last scene Christian (Bale - looking very faux-Tom Cruise) wears a white suit to make things easier.

If you don't care about plot, love special effects fight scenes, can live without a serious love-interest, can handle poor characterisation, accept the fact that the protaganist has no real motivation as a character, and that the basic premise of the film is fatally flawed (in the post-Saddam future, sense crimes, ie feeling any emotion, are a capital offence, except the people who find them intuit it. Like, yeah, that's not a feeling), then this is great Sunday night entertainment - although will be much better on video/DVD because you'll be able to go straight to the cartoon violence.

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