Tuesday, March 11, 2003

In April 2002 I went to my doctor about a small bump on my body I wanted to get removed. He got me an appointment at the Royal Free in about August. I saw a dermatolgist who said it wasn't urgent, and I would have to get a routine appointment. They gave me an appointment for the end of March 2003 (eight months). Today, I get a letter from the hospital dated 28th February and allgedly sent first class, saying my appointment has changed to the end of March 2004. Which is pretty much two years since my first enquiry. I called up to see if there was anything they could do, and was told that on the 7th March the hospital changed my appointment again to October 2003. That's good, apparently.

I know it's non-urgent, and that we have scarce medical resources, but I'm committed to the NHS, don't have health insurance, and just feel like it's a shame that I have to wait eighteen months to get an appointment to talk about getting something done. In fact, it's this kind of stuff that health insurance is good for.

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