Thursday, March 06, 2003

Tom Got Me Thinking
Don't I ever? As you know, I write quite a lot about ladies' underwear (which is clearly better than travelling the world in ladies underwear) and so I come in the top ten for quite a few underwear-related searches. Someone mailed me saying "hey sasha, I'm a UK-based underwear retailer, would you write about me if I gave you a free thong?"

My first thought was, I'm not a thong kinda gal. I won't go into detail, but there just not very comfortable. We emailed a little, and she's happy to send me any underwear in my size. So then I thought, maybe I could write about them, because they're a cute little company, and I like independent women and growing businesses. But I'd have to say they'd given me a free gift, otherwise it would be disengenuous. I've never got anything free in my life (unless you include when I worked for a company that incentivised you with House of Fraser vouchers: company - £23m profit, you - £75 of vouchers that you have to declare on your tax return anyway. Gee, thanks).

Then I did what I always do when I don't actually know what to do - nothing.

What do you think?

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