Sunday, September 14, 2003

Two things about my clothes - as ever.

A hung around at the church gates to watch the bride arrive, and he told me afterwards there were three Barnes-ladies-who-lunch watching and remarking (or, as we say in the Old Country, making ashen blottie); "she shouldn't be wearing that dress", "those shoes don't go with the outfit" - that kind of thing.

Well, after they'd watched S arrive, they turned to A and said "we want you to know that your friend (me) was the most stylishly dressed of all the guests. And we loved her hat."

And at the wedding, I ran into two old friends of S, who I'd met about two years ago, and I was just saying to S that I didn't think they would remember me, and they came up and said I was unforgettable. Which I apparently am. They too loved my hat.

Hat data: a Sandra Phillipps twenties-esque clothe in cream straw with a large cream bow.

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