Thursday, November 06, 2003

Two great movies this week: Undying Love and Finding Nemo.

Undying Love I saw because I'm contractually bound to see/read all Holocaust related stuff. Part of the Jewish Film Festival at the Phoenix in East Finchley. Though this was different: instead of coming out of the cinema overwhelmed by the evil in the world (standard post-Holocaust feeling), this is a remarkably upbeat documentary about the power of love over evil. It's basically about xx couples or people (now on their own) who found their bashert before/during the war, and managed to find them again later. I was in tears, but not of sadness, but of respect and awe of how much in love these couples still are.

Finding Nemo is also about family. Great animation, and almost mythological in structure, and brilliantly, brilliantly written. I won't ruin it, but some of the gags are priceless.

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