Wednesday, May 12, 2004

I have just wasted three minutes of my life listening to the most absurd "debate" between columnist Zoe Williams and Patrick Gratton of the Third Age Employment Network, about when middle age starts. Or middle life, as Patrick calls it.

It's all so much pedantry. I mean, who cares? (apart from old people). I'm significantly more worried that in innocently surfing the net I'm going to come across images of a man being beheaded in Iraq. Or see more detailed pictures of "man's inhumanity to man" when it comes to prisoners.

I know I mostly talk about nail varnish and other cultural ephemera, but I want you to know that I'm disturbed. By the news, rather than in general.

Maybe the world has always been like this, and I didn't know. Maybe everyone in a war (that's either regular war, or the one against terror) behaves this way, and I've never read those stories. I'm not that great with violence in movies (still not seen either Kill Bill), when it's real? I can't handle it.

Just before the item about age, George Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury was speaking about the people of Iraq. How much he respects them. Agreeing that it's basically an American war. Where's the human side out there, though? Do soliders get there and leave their humanity and morality at home?

I guess I'm rambling because I'm speechless - for once. I'm just going about my life, doing my thang. On hold at numerous call centres. And unspeakable evil is happening - sometimes at the behest of people who hold British passports - the other side of the world.

Too big to think about.

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