Wednesday, May 05, 2004

In the attention economy, what we all need is a little attention management. So... obvious.

Why am I sitting here earning a living in the old-fashioned way? (OK, not old fashioned. I sit at my PC overlooking the garden, wearing NSFW clothing. I rarely see my clients face to face. In fact, I have about two meetings a week. I rarely see anyone I talk to. I can go to the gym anytime I want. I can rustle up middle eastern food and do my washing anytime I want. I spend a lot of time online, clearly. Nothing about this set-up is old fashioned. I am modernity, through and through. I am a servitor of the powers of wirelessness and homeworking. But you get my point).

I should be making up stupid words, getting myself a consulting gig at a big name firm and peddling my wares like an Armani-clad rag and bone man.

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