Thursday, May 13, 2004

My friend, X, sent me this:

...this is what I'd say about the first day I left R at nursery;

It feels like when you have a very radical new haircut and you walk the streets thinking I've had a radical haircut I wonder if anybody can tell? It certainly feels peculiar. I wonder if this lady notices how strange I look because my hair is so utterly different. perhaps I'll ask her about her hair and then we can strike up a conversation about how odd it feels to have a radical new haircut until you start to get used to it. She'll sympathise and tell me my hair is fine and I'll feel good for 30 seconds and then start to think: I've had a radical new haircut I wonder if people can tell.

Naturally after a couple of hours of this kind of thinking (which all runs simultaneously with normal thoughts like what shall I have for lunch? do I want to buy this t-shirt? and is it safe to cross the road?) I felt like a total headcase.

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