Thursday, May 13, 2004

Tuesday, I saw probably the second-worst most-laughable film ever, with S, my erstwhile postcode-sharer/cinema companion. The Laws of Attraction doesn't really merit any kinda review at all. The plot is no more fleshed out than an elevator pitch. You've seen all the characters before, and they all only have one personality trait anyway. You can't imagine what possessed Julianne Moore and Pierce Brosnan to participate in this straight to Korean-DVD market disaster. And I like rom-coms.

Wednesday (AKA last night) I went to the London Bloggers get together at the International. I saw old faces and new (demographic change: more women, more older people), mingled, talked. Whatever. I mean, who wants to read a write-up of a party? Good fun had by all.

Tonight Oi Va Voi in concert in Camden. Just opposite the Camden, Odeon Town (hello, Mark). In concert is a little grand: it's a gig.

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