Friday, June 04, 2004

Today's (Not) The Day...

... when things improve. Much. This is my brain-dump - sorry if I've been a bit slow on the old posting-doodar. You know how it is.

So, I sent client X the marketing plan which I rustled up this morning, like fresh morning coffee. I heard nothing back from him. Quel f*cking surprise. He also said to me, when we talked yesterday "would you mind casting your expert eye over the brochure in pdf format? I'd really appreciate it." (Amazing how charming he is now that he's actually paid me in full and the job's running a month late and he needs me). I said of course. Because I'm properly charming. Did he send it? Did he buggery. I emailed him and told him I will be washing my hair for the rest of my life from Tuesday so he better get it over quick.

Had a productive day on my two almost-complete projects, so that's good. They're for different clients in the same company. I just got client Z the most amazing two keynote speakers that you'd fall over to hear. Did he say thank you? He said "what are they talking about?". Client F - Fred from yesterday - hasn't responded to an email in two weeks, I talked to him yesterday, and he was keen to "catch up" today. Did he call me? Did he respond to my email? I have done what I always do: a series of CYA emails moving up the food chain so I've done my bit. But I want clients to call me back rather than leave me to get on with it because it reminds me of the few good things about actually being in an office, like feedback and human contact. Oh well.

The wifi is still buggered, so we have an old-fashioned cable running across the hall which is both a health and safety hazard and annoying. But then if I didn't have any web access I'd be like the mad woman in Jane Eyre, so I think my flatmate's been calmer than most about it. I have called in all the tech support favours I can, and I'm none the wiser.

The tomatoes in the fridge have had kittens, but if they and the basil in the windowbox live till Saturday I'll make a tomato basil and onion salad. I have twelve people coming for lunch, did I mention that?

Here's the menu:
  • homous (with za'atar and without)
  • aubergine dip
  • Leek and goat's cheese tart (a la Delia, although mine bears no resemblance to her picture)
  • Tuna quiche
  • Roasted red pepper salad in a slightly Rumanian, slightly mediterranean style
  • Watermelon, feta and mint salad
  • Felafel and fishballs (shop bought, life's too short)
  • Aforementioned tomato salad
  • Cheesecake (tailend of the season)
  • Morroccan dried fruit salad

    Clearly, there's only a finite number of recipes in my repertoire.

    Good news is, I got a call from a US friend this morning, she's passing through town and coming for lunch Saturday. I felt remarkably Lois Weiesberg, as it just so happens that another friend who's already coming for lunch works in the exact same area as her. I'm holding off the urge to make some pistachio biscuits because frankly it's 2am and I ought to be in bed.

    I have not been to aerobics since Tuesday when they cancelled my class. Bastards.

    Here's something I did at the weekend. I was in Spitalfields with J, and got chatting to one of the stallholders. When she gave me her card, I said to her, "oh, are you [from an obscure ethnic minority]?" She asked me how I knew and I said my friend was also [from the same obscure ethnic minority], and I recongised the style of name. We laughed. When I got home, my other friend called me, and I said to him, "I met this really nice woman today..." The upshot was it's hard to meet likeminded people when you're [from an obscure ethnic minority]. He kinda said he'd be up for meeting her. I was interested in her wares, and when she called me yesterday, I said to her, "feel free to tell me to get lost, you may not even be single, but my friend X is also [from your obscure ethnic minority], and..." I wandered off telling her that I'm Jewish and that I kinda know how these things work, and that if I was [from her obscure ethnic minority] I'd love to go out with him. She was so un-English about it (also, I probably wouldn't do this for an English acquaintance, because I don't think it would work), and said I was a wonderful person, and yes it's terribly hard to meet someone when you're Anglo-[obscure ethnic minority] and what's he like?

    Upshot: they have exchanged emails and will keep me posted.

    My flatmate said to me this morning "I didn't know you don't like tomatoes" and I realised he reads my weblog. He's a fantastically talented and good-looking bloke. Hello S.

    Got entertaining email from M reminding me about Stephen Brook's The Club, which is out of print and now I really want to read it. Anyone got it?

    I think next week will be two days work, and three days in the library. And maybe half of one of those days doing stuff like roof-fixing and shelf-up-putting. Obviously I mean paying someone to do that, I don't want to break my nails.

    There are people whose phone-calls I haven't returned in so long I can't remember what I was supposed to say to them.

    I need to get into town to collect my "OY VEY" t-shirt tomorrow. I need to go to the gym. I need to tidy my room. I need to write the Great Jewish Novel. I need to stop rambling. I need to go to bed.
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