Friday, January 07, 2005

M mailed me to tell me (apropos of my Year of the Volunteer post) that it's also the year of the Comma Separated Value as well as the Make Poverty History campaign.

I guess, glued to the TV like everyone else who was around on boxing day, I've been thinking about the Tsunami. A lot.

I mean, there's not a lot that I can say that hasn't already been said. I'm just wondering what it would be like to be sitting having breakfast with my family, like the brother of someone in my parents' shul, and then a wave comes and washes your wife away, leaving you and your two teenage children.

Or like the hundreds of other stories I've read and heard. The enormity of destruction, coupled with the fact that I've spent a lot of time in Indonesia, and in Sumatra especially, is overwhelming. I'm finding myself getting quite tearful everytime I read something new, and I'm getting to the stage where I can't follow it any more.

Makes me feel like the only thing that counts in the world is how we treat other people: whether it's about aid, or volunteering, or just being there for your friends and family.

We live in uncertain times. Oh, and happy new year.

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