Monday, March 13, 2006

Saturday night's (second) party was kinda like everyone I've ever met in my life all in a house in Cricklewood. Sorry, I mean Cricklehamsptead.

People I'd not seen for years, together with those I see every week, all dancing and eating and drinking and chilling out.

A and her terrible husband P - he made me say that, it's bizarrely the only way he'll meet me for coffee, if he gets mentioned on my blog, apparrently - I hadn't seen in years, and it was lovely to catch up, talk interior decor, property prices and failed friendships. Not that we have any, you understand.

There's something very wonderful about people you've known for a long time, even if you haven't seen them in a long time. Like some friendships are .. robust. Others, I guess not.

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