Thursday, October 05, 2006

Weekdays to work and saturday night to play

So I keep seeing these chezroute minivans, but having checked out the website, they only (currently) go from Hendon into the West End via Baker Street.

I don't entirely know what I think of this. Surely if everyone got in one of these, then there would be squillions more traffic on the road? But then, it's clearly better than driving into town on your own. But then, who does that, anymore?

Having said that, I had a 7am conference call with an investment banker who was driving into the city from her (presumably) surrey home. But then, if you work in the city, you can probably afford (a) the congestion charge and (b) the parking.

I don't need to tell you that this is all activity of which I disapprove. Driving. Parking. Etc. But live and let live, and all that.

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