Monday, November 13, 2006

At the weekend, my friend V told me this story (she used to live in New York).

A friend, frum, used to ride the subway (see how bilingual I am, there?) to work every day. And every day he would see the same guy, and they got chatting. And this guy kept saying to him, "you have to meet this girl I know." It was a shidduch. So after a few weeks of this, he did. And within a few weeks, they'd decided to get married (like I say, frum). And the guy on the subway? He never saw him again.

Because, sometimes, people come into your life, like an angel, for a particular reason, or project or moment. And then they've gone. The coming-and-going bit doesn't take away from what they've shared with you. And, sometimes, you might be that person for someone else.

Here endeth the cod-philosophy lesson.

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