Thursday, November 09, 2006


I'm pretty sure I've posted a (different pic) of this Selfridges advert before, but still.

I have a real problem with this ad. I know we live in a world that's peopled by people who mostly judge people for how they look, and If I'm really honest with myself, I guess I do that too, however much I might try not to.

But this isn't a value. Self-respect is about taking care of yourself, sure. Self-respect's about treating yourself well. Self-respect is not about dieting like crazy or subsisting on two apples and half a packet of rocket in order to get into a dress (which is what this advert implies, it seems to me).

We live in a world of size zero models who have a health-defying BMI. I'm not saying this because it's sour grapes: I think being healthily slim is a good thing. I just think that this ad is clearly predicated on the Nike "just do it" campaign, but the difference is that exercise has a point (good health) but looking thin doesn't, really.

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