Friday, November 10, 2006

Since the announcement of the news of Saddam's death penalty, the idea of killing someone has been rolling round in my head.

In my lifetime, in this country, there's ben no death penalty. So I've never heard radio news or read a newspaper headline that says this.

OK, Saddam's not a UK citizen, so it's not comparable. But Tony Blair went into Iraq and took UK soldiers with him, and they're the people who are dying there as much as local Iraqis.

And I can't bear the idea of someone being murdered - especially premeditatively, whatever the provocation. I don't believe in the death penalty, whatever the circumstances. Human life is precious, whatever someone may have done. The more I think about it, the more appalled I am. Perhaps it's my left-of-centre veggie/green outlook, but I just don't believe in capital punishment.

Interesting piece on Comment is free.

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