Friday, November 03, 2006

When I was a kid, there was only one way to wear your scarf: your mum tied it in a knot round your neck. It was not a fashion accessory, it was a keep-warm-must-have (but then, for some time up until the recent cold snap and occasional snow, I have felt that it was much colder when I was a kid, but that could be me. Or less central heating).

Anyway, when did the fold-it-in-half-loop-the-end-through-the-loop fashion start? I see it everywhere I go; buses, trains, meetings. I do it. Because I'm a sucker for peer pressure. But what's it all about, what's it all for (in the words of Alexei Sayle) and how did it start? Have I just bowed to some fashion trend started by a designer locked in their glass-and-chrome tower? Or am I just a sheep?

You tell me.

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