Thursday, November 28, 2002

Stupid Bus Shelter Update
To cap it all, I got home after an evening of mediocre-to-good comedy, to discover that the bus shelter one away from me, on Cricklewood Broadway has been removed, leaving just a bus stop. Sorry to harp on about this, but I know that Ken's BusPlus policy insists on, nay demands shelters as part of a quality intra-London journey, so what the hell is this about? There's a bus stop, no shelter, 50 metres from my house in both directions. Outside my house, is a shelter, no bus stop. Although they have managed to change the advertising four times since September. Although they haven't, as yet, answered any of my letters.

I'm so glad my taxes go to such slick, well-managed, strategically planned services.

And, on the firemen thing, Tony Blair is turning into Maggie. I maintain that the only reason Labour got into power in '97 was that the majority of their new voters were in their late 20's, and all they remembered about a Labour government was not going to school, candles, midnight feasts and community spirit. I suggest that Tony and John (who are probably no relation to Janet and John, but have a deeply unsophisticated neogitation technique) are just trying to recreate that fun, be-striked feel for us. And it's winter. The Winter of Our No-Content/No Policy.

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