Sunday, February 23, 2003

What Sasha Did (Recently)
Feel I've been slightly remiss (read: busy) and not kept you abreast of recent activites. In no particular order, they include:

Adapatation: mind-blowingly thoughtful film about evolution, relationships, personal development, the usual shit. It's a little pomo-up-its-own-arse, but in a brilliant way. I'm of the view that Donald Kaufman is like the other guy in Fight Club, figment of his imagination and all that, but I leave you to your own views. And the Bob McKee stuff is cool (except that I made a fool of myself with my cineaste friends - A, J, P - thinking that it was the real Barb (as he pronounces it), rather than Brian Cox). Oh well. And I got to see a preview before it opens next weekend: guess that makes me a cineaste-by-association.

Lunch with LMG at Tiger Tiger (Restaurant Restarant), which has a stonking £3 lunch deal, where we talked tech in a way that - as a closet geek - I just love to do.

Last night's soiree at the Diorama, with turns from poets, harmonica-players, beautiful soul-guitarists (one guy was better than the real John Martyn, I reckon), and all-round party food.

A truly strange date with a bloke, who - well, that's another story.

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