Thursday, February 06, 2003

Yesterday, I had proper-grown-up-meetings, that required me to be suited and booted in a high-heels kind of way. But the weather was bad, and I was worried about getting caught short again (snow-wise) and being inappropriately dressed for a trek home. So I decided the only solution was to carry my flat boots, hat and thick scarf with me. Looked everywhere in my house for a suitably large bag, and eventually remembered the promotional red plastic courier-style bag from my last "real" job at The Industry Standard.

Emblazoned in large, friendly letters across the front are the words:
Business intelligence for survival in the new economy.

Of course I was wearing it ironically - we didn't quite heed our own advice and went into Chapter 11 rather spectacularly, as I remember it. And looked like I was on a paper round (I hid it before I went into the meetings).

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