Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Chag kasher ve same'ach
That's the (frum - orthodox) greeting for Passover, meaning literally "have a happy and kosher festival". I won't bore you with the details now, but basically it's a bit like the wheat-free diet a did a couple of months back: no bread or leavened food for eight days. So it's matzah (flat bread, tasteless and gives you constipation and bad skin, frankly), and cakes made from potatoe flour. It's crazy the amount of effort people go to for eight days: you have to change your pots and pans for another set that have never had any chametz (leavened food) on them. And frankly, there are no nice cakes without flour, so everything you eat is a bit poor-man's-relative-stylee.

My sister has made coconut pyramids with her specialist Coconut Pyramid Maker she bought from the Lakeland catalogue. It's a short season for Coconut Pyramid Makers, as they are seriously paschal sweetmeats, and I'm going to try and not eat four squillion of them (I have already heard on the Cheadle grapevine that they are a superlative batch).

So, it's a late night tonight remembering the exile from Egypt (yeah, that's what it's all about), and I'll be trying to keep of the matzah and crap cakes and stick to fruit and vegetables. Not that you need to know my eating plan.

Chag same'ach, and in this, the festival of freedom, may all the peoples of the world experience peace and freedom in the coming year. God, I'm turning into a hippy.

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