Monday, November 03, 2003

I'm a British-born Jew and proud of it. There is, quite frankly, something of the night about almost everyone I know, and given that my antecedents are also Romanian, Michael and I are practically landsleit.

Could be my oversensitivity - but then five thousand years of Jewish history isn't always wrong - but all this "shopkeeper" "immigrant" talk - we know what they really mean. A rose by any other name and all that. And the demonisation of Howard? He may hold reprehensible political views, but why is it always the Jews who get the devil-by-night treatment?

I'm angry and slightly incoherent. Tune in tomorrow for my - hopefully more considered - views on the Evening Standard's recent faux pas, and why every newspaper I read seems to comment on Mrs Howard (senior)'s big hair, sparkly clothes and little gold slippers. Fashion anti-semitism - you read it here first.

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