Friday, November 03, 2006

Through a long and circuitous link journey, I came across this strange piece from Delissa Needham on working hours for TV industry freelancers.

It's always interesting when you get a glimpse into someone else's world: I don't know the first thing about working in TV (and nor would I want to. My second serious boyfriend had a lifetime career ambition of working in light entertainment. Let's just say we parted company, although he did go on to be pretty famous in a luvvyish way), although I do know about being a freelancer.

What I don't get is this. How, in this day and age can someone write a ranty-style piece without even checking the most minimal of facts. Like barrister's training contracts aren't called "tutelage" they're called "pupillage", and they're paid. Because lawyers wouldn't dream of contravening the minimum wage regulations. It's like she had a conversation in a pub and didn't bother googling. But we've found her out.

OK, I'll stop.

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